Fenwick Primary School
28 weeks
Public Sector & Education
akp were awarded this contract to carry out internal alterations and a comprehensive refurbishment to classrooms at Fenwick Primary School to form an Early Years Centre in the historic village of Fenwick. The school is located in the historic village of Fenwick in Ayrshire. There has been a school on the present site since 1874.
The works comprised of the following:
- Internal alterations & refurbishment to front 2 classrooms off Kirkton Road to form Early Years Centre.
- Create outdoor play area to the strip on the South side of the playground comprising of hard and soft landscaping and furniture.
- Demolish garage sized external store & rebuild with new.
- Upgrade water services within existing attic space.
- Replace lights & carry out electrical alterations.
- Provide ceiling protection works to plaster & lath in Playrooms, 3.8m height approx’.
- Flooring.
- Decoration.
Operational Challenges; The construction works took place adjacent to dwellings within a housing estate with local access routes adjacent to the site. Due consideration was taken at all times to the requirements of the local residents, pupils and staff of the local school and pedestrians.
Hidden gas mains pipe discovered in playground which was not shown in drawings or disclosed in document. akp arranged for it to be capped off. It was discovered that the ground water pipe had been leaking for many years causing wet rot to the building.